Integrated Employee Handbook
Integrated Employee Handbook
Mission Statement
Core Values/Objectives
Background Checks
Terms of Employment
Employment Classification
Independent Contractor/Temp Worker
Non-Harassment Policy
Equal Opportunity Employment Policy
Confidentiality Policy/HIPPA
ICE and Work Authorization
Appearance/Consumer Courtesy
Growing with Grace n’ Care
Open Door Policy
Computer Files and Emails
Absenteeism and Tardiness
Working Conditions
Insurance Programs (Required by Law)
Workers' Compensation
Paid Family Leave Insurance
State Unemployment Insurance
Federal Social Security (F.I.C.A)
Company Work Rules
In-service Policy
Tuberculosis Policy
Employee Safety
Company Safety Rules
Blood-borne Pathogens/OSHA
Emergency Procedure Plan/ use of 911
Clients Hospitalized or Otherwise not Receiving Services at Home
Home Care Bill of Rights
Receipt and Acknowledgement for Employee Handbook
This integrated Manual and Policy Handbooks serves as the policy guide to all staff of Grace n’ Care LLC. It will be given to all new employees of Grace n’ Care at the time of hire and all current employees are expected to have and /or read the manual. This manual is superior to and supersedes all other decisions, statements written or oral, and memoranda that conflict with stated policy and procedures in this manual.
The Manual is integrated in that it attempts to lay out major company policies. It is not intended to give answers to every decision nor is it intended to be a substitute for day-to-day professional judgments staff must make. As a result, we have tried not to delve into much details of each policy. Instead, we have attempted to present a summary of some of the more important policy areas.
Thus, the Manual sets out broad policy guidelines to enable staff to make consistent decisions given similar circumstances. We encourage every staff to use the Manual as a reference resource whenever they have questions regarding company policies and procedures in matters relating to employee benefits, job expectations, and consumer rights, among others.
Grace n’ Care is a relatively new company, and this is the maiden edition of the company’s policy Manual. It is expected that as the company grows and expands its operations some of the policy statements in this manual may need to be updated or amended to meet the staffing and operational needs of the company.
In such circumstances, Grace n’ Care LLC reserves the right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement or add to the provisions of this handbook as it deems appropriate from time to time in other to stay competitive and/or meet its legal or regulatory obligations. However, no amendment or modification of the “Terms of Employment” provisions of this handbook shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by the Director of the company. The company will attempt to provide you with notification of any other changes as they occur.
Our Corporate Policy Statement: Grace n’ Care will have uniform, consistent policies and procedures to help ensure that we provide high standards of Personal Care Attendant, Direct Support Staff, and Home Healthcare Services to the satisfaction of the people we serve.
The primary mission of Grace n’ Care is to deliver customized and individualized home healthcare and PCA services to our clients in their own homes, an environment they are most familiar with and in which they are most comfortable. Grace n’ Care is committed to safeguarding and upholding the rights of individuals with health challenges and any form of disabilities by facilitating individualized service plans, promoting and making choice available, provide services in a most conducive and least restrictive environment, promoting personal responsibility, and actively engaging in community involvement for the consumers we serve.
At Grace n’ Care LLC our single most important goal must be to work together as a team to meet the healthcare and individual needs of our consumers recognizing that our consumers are by far our most important assets.
Grace n’ Care LLC Core Values/ objectives are:
1. WE believe that our consumers and their families have both the right and the responsibility to be active participants in planning their healthcare and service plans.
2. WE believe that consumers should have the opportunity to receive services and care in their home, their communities or their most comfortable environment regardless of the complexity of their health conditions or disabilities.
3. WE provide Individual Health /Service Plan (IH/SP) to meet the specific needs of each individual consumer.
4. WE provide a range of services sufficient to allow our consumers to remain in their home environments and without having to leave the comfort of their homes.
5. WE offer flexibility in the type, duration, and scheduling of services to ensure that individual needs are addressed in a most effective and efficient manner. We provide 24 hours, 7 days per week client services for consumers who need it
6. WE assess and review consumer’s progress on a regular basis to enable us to adjust our services as dictated by consumer needs. This also allows us to reduce the level of service and/or terminate services when the need no longer exists.
7. WE provide the highest quality of services through the supports of qualified, dedicated staff well trained in the delivery of services in their specialized areas.
8. OUR services conform to all Minnesota rules applicable to supervised living services. We ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our consumers
Grace n’ Care recognizes that PCA/Healthcare industry has a high turnover rate as far as employees are concerned. Thus, to ensure that we continue to have a reserve pool of skilled and experienced employees it will be the policy of Grace n’ Care LLC to conduct on-going recruitment, accept and review applications from potential employees. Every application for employment will be screened thoroughly to make sure that applicants with specific professional skills and the ability to work well with people are recognized and given credit during the recruitment process.
A complete job application package should at a minimum include the following items:
• A completed application form(S) including full name, current address, SSN, and DOB
• A completed IRS W-4 form
• Photo-copy of current driver’s license, or state-issued ID
• Copy of Social Security Card
• Immigration work authorization form (as necessary)
Grace n’ Care will check the employment references of all applicants. We will ensure that every offer of employment is contingent upon the appropriate completion of a reference check.
On the other hand, Grace n’ Care will provide references concerning any current or past employee of the company upon receiving a written request for such a reference. It is the policy of Grace n’ Care that only the Director or his authorized designee may respond to a request for a reference on any of its current or past employees. Such response will only confirm the dates of employment and position held and must be in writing. No further detailed information will be provided on any employee without a written and duly signed authorization by the employee requesting specific information.
Grace n’ Care requires a criminal background check for every new employee or applicant for the position that requires direct contact with consumers. This requirement is a result of a specific policy of the MN Department of Human Services (MN-DHS) that people who have committed certain types of crime should not be allowed to have direct contact with a certain class of consumers. Thus, it is the policy of Grace n’ Care that refusal to authorize background check by the company constitutes a reason for denial of employment or a basis for other adverse employment action. Also, the outcome of the background report may also be the basis for denial of employment, denial of a job position, or other adverse action regarding employment.
Grace n’ Care is committed to providing a work environment that respects its employees as well as those providing services as independent contractors.
This handbook contains the agreement between employees and the company, the types, and classification of employment, and the circumstances under which employment may be terminated.
Further, the company can demote, transfer, suspend or otherwise discipline an employee at its sole and absolute discretion. Nothing in this handbook, or any other personnel document, including benefit plan descriptions, creates or is intended to create a promise or representation of continued employment, or for continued or indefinite employment at a specific position or rate of pay.
Only the Director of the company has the authority to enter into any agreement contrary to the “Terms of Employment” stated in this policy, and such an agreement would have to be in writing and signed by the President.
All employees of Grace n’ Care will be informed of their respective classification at the time of hire, promotion, transfer, or if any circumstance warrants a change of their position with the company. Since all employees are hired for an unspecified duration, assignment to any job classifications within the company is not guaranteed for any specific length of time. An employee may be assigned to any duties or any client as may be necessary. Regardless of classification, being employed with Grace n’ Care is an agreement between both the employee and the company.
Full -Time Employees - are those normally scheduled for 40 hours of work per week.
Part-Time Employees- are those normally scheduled to work less than 40 hours of work per week. Part-time employees are not eligible for some/all of the company benefits available to full-time employees.
On-Call Employees - are those who are hired on that basis and work for a special job and/or period. Such employees are not eligible for company benefits available to full-time employees.
Non-Exempt Employees - Those employees who are subject to the provisions of federal and state law requiring the payment of overtime are considered to be non-exempt.
Exempt Employees - Those employees who are not subject to the provisions of federal and state law requiring the payment of overtime are considered exempt. Exempt employees, in our industry, normally include professional, executive, administrative, and certain outside sales personnel.
Termination of Employment: In other to ensure continuity of services to our consumers Grace n’ Care requires that employees give at least two weeks of notice prior to the date they intend to quit their job.
Independent contractors are individuals or businesses that may be hired to do a specific type of job due to unique circumstances or because of its specialized nature of the job. Such individuals or businesses are separate entities and are not considered employees of Grace n’ Care. Similarly, a temporary worker or leased individual is any person who is classified by the company as such. Grace n’ Care will pay these individuals on a per-job basis without withholding taxes as they considered separate and independent from the company.
Grace n’ Care has a Zero-tolerance Policy on any form of harassment in the workplace. Harassment in the workplace including sexual, racial, and ethnic harassment, as well as any other forms of harassment forbidden by law, is strictly prohibited by the Company. Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination.
Sexual harassment is defined by the regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission as unwanted sexual advances or any visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment includes gender harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, which also includes sexual harassment of an employee of the same gender as the harasser. This includes, but is not limited to, the following types of offensive behavior:
1. Unwanted sexual advances;
2. Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors;
3. Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances;
4. Visual conduct, including leering, making sexual gestures, displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, or posters;
5. Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes;
6. Verbal sexual advances or propositions;
7. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations;
8. Physical conduct, including touching, assault, impeding, or blocking movements.
9. Visual conduct, including displaying of derogatory objects or pictures, cartoons, or posters;
10. Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes;
The policies enumerated above apply to both employees, applicants in all phases of employment, including recruiting, hiring, training and development, performance review, compensation, and benefits separation from the company. Grace n’ Care policies are intended to create a respectful work environment in which every individual has the opportunity to reach his or her highest potential.
Grace n’ Care is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions based on merit. We want to have the best available people in every job. Therefore, Grace n’ Care does not discriminate and does not permit its employees to discriminate against other employees or applicants because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, citizenship, veteran status, ancestry, age, or any other consideration made unlawful by applicable State or Federal laws. Equal employment opportunity is extended to all persons in all aspects of the employer-employee relationship, including recruitment, hiring, upgrading, training, promotion, transfer, discipline, layoff, recall, and termination.
Grace n’ Care employees are entrusted with confidential information regarding our consumer while employed with the company. Employees shall abide by all of Grace n’ Care policies regarding privacy and security of confidential information in accordance with State law and the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA).
• Employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement regarding data practices laws.
• Information regarding all of Grace n’ Care consumers is confidential and may be shared only with authorized parties who have a duty/legal right to know.
• All Grace n’ Care employees are required to maintain information and records regarding any consumer in their care in a confidential and privileged manner at all times.
• Unauthorized disclosure could lead to termination of employment or contract and could lead to possible legal action.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires that every individual pass a verification procedure, including the completion of an “Employment Verification Form”, before they are permitted to work. This verification procedure requires that every new employee provide satisfactory evidence of identity and legal authority to work in the United States that comply with the requirements of the Immigration law.
If an employee provides right-to-work documentation that has an expiration date, it is the responsibility of the employee to keep it current and update. A renewed copy of the work authorization document must be provided to the Company before this expiration date.
Dressing appropriately for the job, being clean and in good clothing, personal care, showing interest in what you do, and showing a cooperative attitude toward co-workers and customers are recognized as important attributes of professionalism is appreciated.
It is important for all employees to remember that most of the services Grace n’ Care provides will take place in the home of the consumer. Thus, it is very important to be polite and cultivate good manners. First impressions often make lasting impressions. Being pleasant and courteous to consumers and co-workers is an important part of your job.
Performance Evaluations - Periodic evaluations shall be conducted to determine employee progress, employee and skills improvement training needs, and potential for a pay increase. Pay increases are not automatic. It depends on factors such as the employee's demonstrated job proficiency, longevity with the company, and the company's ability to pay.
Promotions - Opportunity for employees to advance from within to a position of responsibility is good for both the employee and the company. By adopting a policy of promoting staff from within our organization (i.e., if and when a qualified employee is available within the company) the company can offer its employees greater participation in decision-making positions and the company makes use of available skills and experience.
Grace n’ Care recognizes that in any employee group, problems, difficulties, and misunderstandings can and do arise from time to time. It is the policy of Grace n’ Care to ensure that every problem involving employees is handled promptly and in a fair manner. To this end, the company will endeavor:
1. To encourage employees to talk openly with their supervisor or to anyone else in a position of authority, when they have a problem of any kind, with the assurance that it will not be held against them by their supervisor or anyone else in authority.
2. To practice a policy of “open door” and easy access at all times to enable employees to talk with upper management about decisions they consider to be unfair.
A dedicated and well-motivated staff is a major asset to the company. Grace n’ Care sincerely encourages any employee who feels he or she has been treated unfairly or in violation of our stated policy to make it known to management through the company’s open-door policy.
It will be the policy of Grace n’ Care to provide voice mail, E-mail, and computers to staff where necessary for them to perform their job. When provided this equipment remains the sole property of Grace n’ Care and may be used for business purposes only. These equipments are maintained by the company in order to facilitate company business. Therefore, all electronic messages sent, received, composed, and/or stored on these systems remain the sole property of the company.
Absence from work or tardiness affects your income and hurts client confidence in employees. The ability of the company to operate efficiently and meet its consumers’ schedule depends upon your regular attendance. Habitual or excessive absenteeism and tardiness will result in adverse action ranging from a Write-ups, few days suspension without pay to possible termination of employment.
Tardiness: All employees are expected to arrive at their scheduled place of work on-time. Employees are expected to contact their assigned consumer/client and supervisor or director if they think they would be more than 15 to 30 minutes late. All employees are expected to call their supervisor or the Director at least two (2) hours before their scheduled reporting time on any day on which they expect to be absent. Employees who anticipate being absent for more than two (2) days over and above their normal days-off should contact their supervisor or the Director to discuss time-off or possible leave of absence.
PayDay – Grace n’ Care payroll calendar is bi-weekly on Fridays for work performed during the last 2 weeks ending the Wednesday prior to the payday. If payday falls on a holiday recognized by the State of Minnesota, paychecks are distributed on the next working day.
Time Records- Employees are responsible for clocking in and out and are required to record their own time in-and-out. No employee, regardless of circumstances, is permitted to record time worked for another employee or anyone else. NO PCA/HHA EMPLOYEE SHALL WORK ABOVE REQUIRED CLIENTS HOURS. All PCA/HHA Time Cards must be signed by the Client for the hours worked to be approved.
See Appendix for Sample Time Card.
Overtime Authorization and Requirement - For non-exempt employee’s overtime pay of 1 ½ times hourly wage shall be paid for time worked over 48 hours in one work-week provided that such overtime was pre-approved or pre-authorized by management.
Holiday Pay - All full-time employees shall be paid a normal day’s pay at straight time rates for the following recognized company holidays.
New Year’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Labor Day
Employees must have worked the complete shift on their last scheduled workday prior to the holiday and the complete shift on their next scheduled workweek after the holiday to be eligible for holiday pay.
Workers’ Compensation – Grace n’ Care provides workers' compensation insurance coverage to employees at company’s expense. Workers' compensation insurance is intended to provide medical care and pay for lost time resulting from on-the-job injuries and those illnesses caused by an employee's job. If an employee is injured on the job, the injury must be reported in writing to the supervisor immediately. In the case of Employee, an injury must be reported before an employee leaves the client's home in order for the incident report to be deemed to have been properly filed or completed. Failure to timely report an injury may jeopardize, or delay claims the may be due.
Workers’ Compensation Fraud - Any employee who knowingly makes false or fraudulent material statements or material representations for the purpose of obtaining or denying workers' compensation benefits or payments is violating State/Federal laws. Workers’ compensation fraud is punishable by up to five years in state prison and a fine of up to $50,000.
State Unemployment Insurance – Grace n’ Care employees are eligible for protection against total loss of wages if they become unemployed under certain conditions as outlined by the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Act. Eligibility requirements under this act will be explained and determination made by the office of the State Workforce Department. Grace n’ Care pays for this insurance in the form of unemployment insurance taxes. The State will only allow unemployment insurance payments on those claims covered by the Act.
Federal Social Security (F.I.C.A) - The Federal Insurance Compensation Act is a Federal law, which requires employers and employees to pay a part of all salaries and wages to the government in return for certain old age and survivors’ benefits. Neither the employee nor the company has any choice in this. At the age of 62 and older, and upon application, you may become eligible to receive stipulated, reduced or full monthly payments based on your average income while you were working, or the case of death, your eligible survivors will receive such payments. More detailed information can be obtained from any branch office of the Social Security Administration. The cost is borne equally by employer and employee contributions.
It is necessary, for Grace n’ Care to operate efficiently and safely, that employees observe the rules governing our work environment. The following is a list of safety rules, performance problems, or actions considered violations of company work rules, which may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Under no circumstances should an employee drink alcoholic beverages or smoke in a client’s home.
No employee is allowed to leave a client’s home during scheduled work-time for any reason other than the client’s request for an errand on the client’s behalf.
If an employee must leave the client’s home because of a personal or family medical emergency, the employee must contact his/her supervisor or Grace n’ Care personnel for further instructions. Under no circumstance should a client be left alone or in any kind of unsafe or vulnerable situation.
Unless in the case of personal emergency all personal phone calls and/or social conversations on the phone in a client’s home during scheduled times are prohibited.
No Friends or Family members of employees are allowed to visit the client’s home, except in life-threatening emergencies.
LIFTING. No employee may lift a client. However, employees may assist a client in transferring, or use of an approved mechanical lift, on which he has been trained to lift the client. If an emergency occurs which requires lifting a client, you should call for help on-site, or call the office or the company’s nurses for instructions. “Help on Site” may be another person who could help in a two-person lift.
All Employees have access to and are expected to read and understand the Home Care Bill of Rights for clients.
Employees are expected to review the client’s Care Plan Regularly to ensure the plan is being followed on a consistent basis
Employees must protect client’s confidentiality. Violation of client confidentiality includes giving or revealing a client’s phone number, address, and any information to anyone who is not a Grace n’ Care employee.
Under no circumstances should an employee ask for money from a client for personal use of the employee.
Employees are not allowed to discuss their religious beliefs or political opinions with clients.
For every 12 months of employment, employees who perform home health aid tasks shall complete at least 8 hours of in-service training in topics and skills relevant to the provision of home care services.
This training will include topics about infection control techniques used in the home. Training on infection control, also known as Universal Precautions, includes the following:
Hand Washing techniques
The need for use of protective gloves, gowns, and mask
Disposal of contaminated materials and equipment, such as dressing, needles, syringes, and razor blades.
Disinfecting reusable equipment
Disinfecting environmental surfaces
Mantoux Tests
New employees and nurses must submit a negative Mantoux test dated within the 12 months prior to their being hired by Grace n’ Care. Thereafter, they must submit a negative Mantoux every 24 months after the most recent Mantoux test. An employee whose test shows positive will be required to submit a negative chest x-ray every 12 months thereafter for two years after the positive Mantoux, or provide physician documentation of completing or currently taking a course of tuberculosis preventative therapy.
For your own protection, and the protection of your fellow employees, Grace n’ Care wants you to encourage you to work safely and use all the safety devices provided to protect you. Safety is everybody’s business, especially yours. Do your part to make Grace n’ Care a safe place to work. We encourage you to report any unsafe working conditions to your supervisor. All hazardous conditions will be investigated and appropriately corrected.
Nobody likes to work under conditions that present hazards to life and property. Everyone loses something when accidents occur. Thus, it shall be the policy of Grace n’ Care to continue to work for a safe working environment. But ultimately our collective success in preventing accidents in the workplace depends on the importance we individually attach to our own safety and our collective to make our workplace safe for all.
It is the responsibility of every employee to avoid/prevent serious accidents and/or injuries in the workplace by following certain general safety rules. Violation of the safety regulations of the company may subject you to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The following are some preventative safety precautions:
1. All aisles and emergency exits shall be kept free of debris at all times and maintained at a minimum width of 24 inches at all times.
2. Floors shall be kept clean and dry at all times. “Wet floor” signs must be displayed when the floor is wet.
3. Floors and platforms shall be kept free of projections, obstructions, holes, and loose boards.
4. Exits shall remain accessible, unobstructed, and free to the passage
5. Fire extinguishers shall be placed in open and safe areas and shall be easily accessible if and when needed.
6. Safety devices and guards on machines shall not be removed, and/or will be replaced before operating any machine.
7. All control buttons and switches shall be properly identified as to their function and purpose.
8. All control buttons and switches shall be color-coded.
9. All unsafe work conditions shall be reported to a supervisor or the safety coordinator.
10. Employees shall report, in writing, all work-related accidents, injuries, or illnesses to a supervisor or the safety coordinator immediately or as soon as possible.
11. Correct or report any safety device that is missing or inoperative.
12. Return tools and equipment to proper storage place after use.
13. Dispose of Oily rags and objects containing flammable liquids in covered metals immediately after use.
14. Qualified personnel shall perform maintenance of equipment. Do not attempt to fix it yourself.
15. No jewelry, long hair, or loose clothing is allowed around any machinery while operating.
16. Horseplay and running are forbidden in the workplace
18. Employees shall use proper lifting techniques as outlined in the Back-Injury Prevention
19. Program, to avoid overextension when lifting.
20. Eye and Face Protection: Employees working in locations where there may be hazards to the eye due to flying particles, hazardous substances, or injurious light rays in the work environment shall always wear employer-provided face or eye protection. Suitable screens or shields isolating the hazardous exposure shall be used to safeguard nearby employees.
21. Hand Protection: Regular hand /latex gloves are required at all times for employees whose work expose their hands to hazardous substances, cuts, or burns
Prior to administering medication, all Home Health/PCA Staff will receive Medication Administration and Training from a curriculum developed/approved by a Registered Nurse. All staff will be required to follow Grace n’ Care medical administration procedures. The training will cover all types of medications including:
• Administering oral meds (tablets, pills, and liquid meds)
• Lozenges, Sublingual, Buccal and Powdered medications
• Topical, Eye drops, Ear drops/ointments, and Rectal medications
General procedure for administering medications involves the following:
1. Wash your hands
2. Gather needed supplies
3. Remove medication from storage
4. Check labels and medication
5. Compare medication to monthly med sheet and make sure it is correct. Call nurse/supervisor if any discrepancy
6. Check with the consumer to see if there is anything her nurse/doctor needs to know before giving medication
7. Ask/check if consumer need meds to be crushed, or need applesauce to take meds
8. Chart/document on the medication chart
9. Follow all specific instructions about giving the meds.
Employee exposure to blood-borne pathogens can have serious health consequences. Grace n’ Care provides the following exposure control plan to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens in accordance with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 (Occupational Exposure to Blood Pathogen).
The exposure Control Plan includes:
• Determination of employee exposure
• Universal precautions (wash hands always, protective barriers, disinfecting, etc.)
• Personal protective equipment (PPE)
• Hepatitis B Vaccinations
• Post-exposure evaluation and follow-ups
• Documentation of all cases of exposure
• Communication of hazards to employees and training.
Universal precautions require that all human blood and body fluids are treated as if they are known to be infectious with HIV, HBV, and other blood-borne pathogens
An emergency is any unplanned event that causes harm, death, or serious injury to employees or consumers. The purpose of the plan is to establish minimum requirements for an emergency. The plan includes factors to help identify, respond and report emergencies and/or call 911. Potential emergencies include severe weather, gas leak, power outage, fire, chemical release, and medical emergency.
Medical Emergency includes:
Client has trouble breathing or has stopped breathing
Client has no pulse
Client is bleeding severaly
Client is having: chest-neck-jaw-arm pain
Client is in a state of deteriorating unconsciousness or is unconscious
Client shows signs of fractures
Client has been badly burned
Client is unable to move one or more limbs
Client is having a seizure
Client is suffering from Hypothermia (Below normal body temperature or Hyperthermia (Above normal Body Temperature)
Client has swallowed is suspected to have swallowed a poisonous substance
Client is having a diabetic emergency
Client suffering or has suffered a stroke, and lastly
If there is any doubt as to the seriousness of the situation, call 911.
Calling 911: After you’ve dialed 911 and connected with a dispatcher you should state:
A. This is an emergency
B. Give the phone number from where you are calling
C. Give the address
D. Briefly describe what happened or what you observe
E. Give your name
F. Stay calm
G. Reassure the client and family
H. Follow the direction of the 911 operator
I. Let the operator know before you hang up.
As an employee of GRACE N’ CARE LLC, I have been informed that when clients are hospitalized, I cannot turn in timecards for those days even if I am at the hospital with the client. When clients are hospitalized, payment is made to the hospital for their care and the home care provider cannot bill for any services provided by PCAs.
I also understand that if my client is on vacation or out of town and as a PCA I am not with the client, I cannot claim these hours. If timecards are turned in for these hours, these are fraudulent claims for payment.
In both situations listed above, documenting that services were provided in the home is against agency policy, against the PCA Program, and is considered falsifying records. Violation of these regulations is grounds for termination.
I acknowledge that I have been informed of these policies and I understand that I may not claim these hours as hours worked. I am to notify the office when my client is not available to receive services at home.
All employees must read and understand the Minnesota Home Care bill of rights.
Minnesota Law requires all home care licensees and their employees to report maltreatment, (abuse, neglect, exploitation, unexplained injuries) of vulnerable adults and children to governmental authorities. Reporting is mandatory, and a person who fails to report is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability.
This is the Sample Bill of Rights Given to our Clients.
Minnesota Home Care Bill of Rights
Statement of Rights
A person who receives home care services has these rights:
1. The right to receive written information about rights in advance of receiving care or during the initial evaluation visit before start of services, including what to do if rights are violated
2. The right to receive care and services according to a suitable and up-to-date plan, and subject to accepted medical or nursing standards, to take an active part in creating and changing the plan and evaluating care and services
3. The right to be told in advance of receiving care about the services that will be provided, the disciplines that will furnish care, the frequency of visits proposed to be furnished, other choices that are available, and the consequences of these choices, including the consequences of refusing these services.
4. The right to be told in advance, of any changes in the plan of care and to take an active part in any changes; and
5. The right to refuse services or treatment
6. The right to know, in advance, any limits to the services available from a provider, and the provider’s grounds for termination of services
7. The right to know, in advance of receiving care whether the services are covered by health insurance, medical assistance, or other health programs, the charges for services that will not be covered by Medicare, and the charges that the individual may have to pay.
8. The right to know what the charges are for services, no matter who will be paying the bill
9. The right to know that there may be other services available in the community, including other home care services and providers, and to know where to go for information about these services.
10. The right to choose freely among available providers and to change providers after services have begun, within limits of health insurance, medical assistance, or other health programs.
11. The right to have personal, financial, and medical information kept private, and to be advised of the provider’s policies and procedures regarding disclosure of such information.
12. The right to be allowed access to records and written information from records in accordance with section 144.335
13. The right to be served by people who are properly trained and competent to perform their duties
14. The right to be treated with courtesy and respect, and to have the patient’s property treated with respect.
15. The right to be free from physical and verbal abuse
16. The right to reasonable, advance notice of changes in services or charges, including at least 10 day’s advance notice of the termination of a service by a provider, except in cases where:
(i) The recipient of services engages in conduct that alters the conditions of employment as specified in the employment contract between the home care provider and the individual providing home care services, or creates an abusive or unsafe work environment for the individual providing home care services; or
(ii) An emergency for the informal caregiver or a significant change in the recipient’s condition has resulted in service needs that exceed the current service provider agreement and that cannot be safely met by the home care provider.
17. The right to a coordinated transfer when there will be a change in the provider of services.
18. The right to voice grievances regarding treatment or care that is, or fails to be, furnished, or regarding the lack of courtesy or respect to the patient or the patient’s property
19. The right to know how to contact an individual associated with the provider and who is responsible for handling problems and to have the provider investigate and try to resolve grievances or complaints.
20. The right to know the name and address of the state or county agency to contact for additional information or assistance.
21. The right to assert these rights personally, or have them asserted by the patient’s family or guardian when the patient has been judged incompetent, without retaliation.
Office of Health Facility Complaints
(651) 201-4201
1-800- 369-7994
Fax: (651) 201-4202
Mailing Address:
Minnesota Department of Health
Office of Health Facility Complaints
85 East Seventh Place, Suite 300
P.O. Box 64970
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0970
Office of Ombudsman for Older Minnesotans
(651) 431-2555
Fax: (651) 431-7452
Mailing Address:
Home Care Ombudsman
Office of Ombudsman for Older Minnesotans
PO Box 64971
St. Paul, MN 55164-0971
Licensee Name:
Telephone Number:
612-707-2094 (office)
651-286-3355 (fax)
612-351-2307 (cell)
Name/Title of Person to Whom Problems or Complaints May be directed:
CYRIL OBOH (Director/Owner)